Cass-E Design

Design, Experiments, Games, Resources


Two Desks

Welcome to my home studio! I've developed a habit - through extensive clutter - of working at two separate desks. I've found it helps put me in different headspaces. My project desk on the right is usually covered in project materials, while my computer desk barely houses my computer and office clutter. I've divided the room to keep almost all working electronics on the 'digital' side, including clocks. Largely because they take up too much space. As a result, I can spend hours working at my project desk without knowing what time has passed. And I can spend hours at my computer desk too, knowing exactly what time has passed. It's difficult to say which I like more.

Nonetheless, I've come to prefer to have two separate desks if I can squeeze them in. I value the division of tasks by space.

Project completed in April 2020 soon after quarantine started. I intended the style to be an homage to artist Malika Favre with solid blocks of opaque colour and simple shapes.

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