Cass-E Design

Design, Experiments, Games, Resources

Night intersection storm
Night Intersection Storm. LG G4 Phone Camera.

Night Intersection Storm

I was in the car with my father, and one of the nicest thunderstorms I've had the pleasure of experiencing recently had started. There was rain in buckets starting and stopping, and these thick lightning bolts constantly in the darkest parts of the cloud. Even inside the car you could feel the storm around you and it was just incredible. Because of the weather around here, different portions of the storm would pass in 5 or 10 minutes.

All I had on me was my phone camera, and I couldn't catch one of the lightning bolts, but I got this. I hope that you can feel the sort of storm it was, looking at this. I can.

As always, you can find the licensing for original images on here!

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