Cass-E Design

Design, Experiments, Games, Resources


I use p5.js to create procedural, interactive artwork that's accessible and readable by the user.

p5.js is a javascript library designed to make using the html <canvas> element easy and accessible. It's used in a lot of intro coding classes, especially where art is involved. It makes rendering (even 3d perspective rendering) easier to develop and more accessible on the web. Find out more at, which has examples, resources on getting started, and more information.


Static gifs and videos 'loop' by definition. There's always a skip, repeating element, or something that proves that that the experience is entirely predefined. I've always been compelled to find those places. I find 'evidence' that something isn't really interactive. I feel like I have to find the boundaries of the algorithm, to prove that I've 'completed it' or experienced all it has to offer. For this reason, I prefer live wallpapers on my phone. They feel more alive.

In some of my procedural/interactive pieces like this one, every raindrop or snowflake or odd geometric artifact may be unique for the viewer who experiences it, on their device. That matters a lot to me. It makes art feel more 'present'.

Source Code

Everyone who views this site can view the source behind my p5.js creations. Viewers can see how I put something together. I feel that it gives more back than a gif, especially if I've done something special (or incredibly stupid) in a particular post.


I use a custom WordPress plugin to display p5.js sketches on this site! You can find out more here.

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